Social Justice in Action is involved in San Diego Pride Month

Most of the work at Summit is accomplished through committees where small groups of members or friends work together to accomplish a specific task. Each committee has a mission, objectives, responsibilities, and goals for the current year.  Committees offer the opportunity for those interested in a particular area to get involved in making thinks happen in that area. Links to committee plans can be found below.


Chair: Suzanne McQuaide

Committee: Lynn Feinberg, Debbie Wingard
Aesthetics Committee


Chairs:  Shannyn Allen & Debbie Wingard
Auction Committee

Campus Improvement

Chair: Mark Weedman

Committee:  President, Treasurer, Finance Chair
Campus Improvement Committee


Chair:  JoAnn Cleland-Swanson

Committee: Tom Brower, Janet Dixon, Ellen Garner, Tem Hornaday and Shari Ryan
Caring Committee

Children’s Religious Exploration (CRE)

Chair:  Mary Carter-Vail

Committee: Elinor Weed
Children’s Religious Exploration Committee

Covenant Group Planning

Chair:  Loralisa Gainsborough 
Covenant Group Planning Committee

Craft Fair

Craft Fair Committee

Critical Advisory Team

Critical Advisory Team

Cultural Events

Chair:  Pam Kerr
Cultural Events Committee

Endowment Trustees

Chair:  Carol Davis

Committee: Lisa Garvey, Dan Bartholomew
Endowment Trustees Committee


Chair: Dan Bartholomew

Committee: Carol Davis, Lisa Garvey, Brenda McGuinness, Debbie Wingard
Finance Committee

Generosity (Pledge Drive)

Generosity Committee


Hospitality Committee

Landscape Maintenance

Chair:  Mark Weedman
Landscape Maintenance Committee 


Chair:  Pam Williams and Jim Weed
Membership Committee


Chair:  Laurel Bernstein
Pam Kerr, Carol Legard, Jenny Saar and Stacey Sasaki
Music Committee



Committee: Elinor Weed, Betts McQuaide, Liz McHugh, Jim Park, Don Jania-Smith
Nominating Committee


Chair: Sandy Bernstein

Committee: Larry Feinberg
Personnel Committee

Planned Giving

Chair:  Carol Davis
Planned Giving Committee

Social Justice in Action

Chairs: Al Mork

Committee: Laurel & Sandy Bernstein, Dan & Melody Bartholomew, Ryn Corbeil
Social Justice and in Action Committee

Social Media

Chair:  Chris Rask Co-Chair: Elinor Weed

The Social Media Committee is committed to provide an excellent website experience for all visitors. We want to encourage engagement in all of our social media platforms. Please contact us if you want to know more.

Committee: KC Pandell, Daniel Hand, Ryn Corbeil, Trish Ladd
Media Committee

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning Committee

Sunday Services

Chair:  Stacey Sasaki

Committee: Tom Biggart, Tom Brower, Ryn Corbeil, Nancy Dewees, Pam Kerr, Aline King, Adriana Madrigal, Nicholas Madrigal, Margo Mariana, Suzanne McQuaide, Laura Nelson, Shari Ryan, Jenny Saar and Elinor Weed
Sunday Services Committee