All rental use is for a four hour period with a prorated amount for each additional hour.
Security/Cleaning deposits are returned after the event if the facility including the parking lot is left cleaned and orderly as determined by SUUF staff or volunteers.

Property Use Policy

Goal: To assure reasonable safety and protection for SUUF’s property and interests while making its facilities easily available to its members and accessible to the community.

Procedures: The Church Administrator, with the oversight of the Minister, shall take the lead in scheduling and administering the process for individuals or groups using the Fellowship’s property. The Board of Directors sets property use policy, fees, approves exceptions or waivers and addresses disagreements or disputes.

  1. Policies: Any use of Fellowship property that is not an Official function of the Fellowship is subject to an application process and an approved use/rental agreement.
  2. Use of Fellowship property for any unlawful purpose or against any Fellowship rules or policies will be cause for the immediate termination of renter’s use of facilities or property.
  3. The Fellowship buildings are a smoke free zone. No smoking is allowed inside any of the buildings. Smoking is only allowed a reasonable distance away from door ways and in the parking area.
  4. The Fellowship buildings and grounds are an alcohol and drug free area. Alcoholic beverages may be served at specific events, which have been specifically exempted from the ban by the Board of Directors or Minister. 
  5. The Fellowship’s Minister or Board of Directors may implement 
and enforce rules or conditions for the use of the Fellowship’s property at any time to assure the safety of users, protection of property and appropriateness of activities and/or use.
  6. The Fellowship’s Minister or his/her designee may deny use of the Fellowship’s property to any individual, group or organizations with cause. This action may be appealed to the Board of Directors.
  7. Board of Directors, with a 2/3 vote, may waive user fees or deposits for individuals, groups or organizations.
  8. Any use of Fellowship property shall be supervised appropriately by adults (age 18 or older). Activities involving minors on Fellowship property shall have a sufficient number of adults to the number of minors. The Children’s RE Director will provide guidelines on what are sufficient numbers of adults for specific activities as the situations arise.
  9. Organizations or individuals which rent the Fellowship’s property will have to agree to: defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Fellowship, its officers, members, staff, agents and volunteers from all claims, losses, costs, obligations and liabilities for injuries to any persons or for damages to or loss of property of any kind in any way arising out of renter’s use of Fellowship property, whether or not arising from any negligence, fault or legal liability of the Fellowship or its officers, members, staff agents or volunteers. Organizations which use the property more than twice a year will be required to obtain an endorsement from their insurance carrier to include this coverage.
  10. Unless waived by the Board of Directors or Minister, organizations or groups which rent facilities must deliver to the Fellowship Office seven days prior to its use, a certificate of insurance giving evidence that renter will be covered during the rental period(s) by a policy or polices of insurance providing at least: Comprehensive General Liability, minimum of $500,000 combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including Blanket Contractual Products Liability, if food is to be served at renter’s event(s) and Worker’s Compensation coverage if applicable; and, if renter is a corporation, written evidence of renter’s status under IRS, such as 501(c) (3) certification.
  11. The promotion of a partisan political position or candidate shall not take place on any part of the Fellowship’s property nor shall any information promoting one political candidate or partisan position be displayed or distributed on the property.
  12. When scheduling the use of facilities, the Fellowship’s activities and functions shall have priority over other individuals, groups or organizations.
  13. Any individual, group or organization which uses the Fellowship’s property must designate one adult to be the primary person in charge of security (i.e. keys and access). This person will be responsible to read and follow the “Summit Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Facility Security and Use Guidelines.”

All rental use is for a four hour period with a prorated amount for each additional hour.

Security/Cleaning deposits are returned after the event if the facility including the parking lot is left cleaned and orderly as determined by SUUF staff or volunteers.