Sunday Morning
We are now hybrid, both in-person and on zoom. If you wish to attend our zoom services, please complete our Online Connection form and your request will be sent to the appropriate person.
Sunday Services begin at 10:00 a.m. in the Summit Sanctuary. Before service begins, members and friends observe a time of quiet reflection.
Welcome & Introductions
This is the time we welcome all people to the service, especially new people who are interested in Unitarian Universalism, and people visiting from other UU Congregations. We also introduce who we are in a small synopsis.

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Chalice Lighting
It is a UU tradition to light the flaming chalice, a symbol of our faith and unity, at the opening of each service. The chalice lighting is accompanied by a reading performed in unison by the congregation. Here is an example:
‘I’ and ‘You’ are but the lattices in the niches of a lamp through which the One Light shines. ‘I’ and ‘You’ are the veil between heaven and earth; lift this veil and you will see no longer the bonds of sects and creeds.
Shabistari (Sufi)
Inter-generational Time
Each Sunday, the whole congregation — kids and adults — share a brief story time together. Then, before the children go from the service to their classes, they lead us all in this affirmation: “We are Unitarian Universalists, people of open minds, loving hearts, and helping hands.” These 13 words say simply and clearly what we are working toward in our program for children and youth. Learn More about CRE
Community News
This is the time to share operational news of the Fellowship, news of upcoming events, requests for volunteer services, etc.
Joys & Concerns
Joys & Concerns is back on Sunday mornings and can be emailed or texted to Rev. KC or Stacey Sasaki before Sunday services.
On Sunday morning, an in-person joy, sorrow, or concern can be shared by filling out a form at the front of the sanctuary, to be read aloud by Rev. KC or a worship associate.
The sermon or homily, presented by a member of the Fellowship or a guest speaker. To learn more you can listen to past services or take a look at our upcoming services.
During a brief musical interlude, members and friends of the Fellowship contribute to the ongoing efforts of Summit to aid our community. Guests should feel no pressure, nor are expected to contribute.
There is a link provided in Zoom for those who wish to contribute online.
Closing Words and Song
The Fellowship will generally read together a closing quote and then sing our traditional closing song.