The Deadliest Sin of All

Well, I’m not going to tell you, dear ones, because I want you all to show up on zoom! But here’s one clue: it’s a sin we can confront, even diminish, during the course of our personal and social lives, if we’re brave and bold enough.

About our speaker:

The Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle has been a parish minister since 1967 and is still preaching, hither and yon, mainly via zoom throughout our UUA landscape. He and his life-mate, Carolyn, served as co-ministers of First UU Church for 24 years, and Tom was honored to be the interim minister at Summit for a two-year stint. He is slowly returning to volunteering at the homeless center, singing in nursing homes, and mentoring youth. His latest book is titled Making Peace with Our Own Death and is available either on or the UUA Bookstore. Tom is delighted to be returning to preach at Summit UU Fellowship, one of his favorite haunts.

Service Associate: Joani Mountain

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