Topic: Imagination

The Deadliest Sin of All

Well, I’m not going to tell you, dear ones, because I want you all to show up on zoom! But here’s one clue: it’s a sin we can confront, even diminish, during the course of our personal and social lives, if we’re brave and bold … read more.

Humanism and Spirituality

In 1832 Ralph Waldo Emerson left his position as a Unitarian minister and went on to become an influential writer and speaker whose ideas had a deep impact on the Unitarian Universalist movement and American spirituality in general. By blending his interest in Hindu spirituality, … read more.

Sparks of Imagination: Poetry and Music

Summit Members and Friends will share poetry and music that sparks their imaginations, lifts their spirits, and provides a sense of calm as we venture into 2021.

There is no recording available for this service.

Tallying Up

No matter what the results of election day, our world will look different today than it did last week. We will gather together to be with one another, to reflect on where we are, and to plan for what is next.

The New Normal

September 20

Americans, and Unitarian Universalists, tend to love the idea of choice, and cherish the right to choose freely.  But most choices we make every day don’t involve much thoughtful decision-making.  Mostly, we do what we are used to doing…what is normal.  And when something … read more.

Easter Reflections

Easter represents a confluence of spiritual traditions and influences, many of which have been sanitized and monetized in the service of consumerism. Our Summit staff gets up-front and personal with their reflections on the deeper meanings behind this holiday season.  Speakers: Mary Carter-Vail, Mark Weedman and … read more.

Re-Dream Your Life

William Shakespeare was right: “We are such stuff as dreams are made on.” To approach life with the understanding that you, I, and the whole of society are dreaming our lives into being, can lead to healing, empowerment, and world-changing solutions. Come ready to contemplate … read more.