Sunday Café
Summit’s Sunday Café takes place in the Salon after Sunday service. Coffee, tea and light refreshments are offered for all to enjoy.

Summit members, friends and visitors meet to catch up with one another in a friendly atmosphere. This is a great time to get to know others, so stick around after service and enjoy the food, coffee, conversation and fellowship.
A committee, with the help of volunteers, organizes the Café. There is a sign up sheet in the Salon if you are interested in volunteering to help.
The committee is always open for new members as well. If you would like to know more or join the committee contact the Summit office
During Sunday Café, around 11:30 a.m., some choose to return to the sanctuary for a Circle Discussion with the minister or speaker of the day. Others remain in the Salon to continue visiting.
Summit’s Sunday Café is open to all. Welcome!
Note: On rare occasions, when there is a congregational or Town Hall meeting, Sunday Café may be rescheduled or canceled.
If you are scheduled to help in the Sunday Café, instructions can be found at the link below.