Topic: Transitions

Surviving the New Normal

We will consider the physical, emotional, and spiritual challenges of this stage of the pandemic. and look at the opportunities for spiritual growth.

Rev. Dr. Arvid Straube has been a parish minister for 35 years.  He has served congregations in Washington State, North Carolina and, most … read more.

Coming of Age

Coming of Age Celebration Service: Coming of Age, (COA), is the Unitarian Universalist rite of passage experience that our youth can choose to participate in as they grow into adulthood. This past year, Summit UU Fellowship and First UU Church of San Diego have partnered … read more.


Janus was the Roman god associated with doorways, transitions, beginnings and endings… As Summit begins a time of planning and self-reflection in preparation for searching for a called minister, we’ll look at some of the ways we might prepare for transitions. …read more

Apocalyptic Revelations

An apocalypse forces change…It raises up fault lines in the soul…It illuminates areas where growth may be needed in our relationships with ourselves and others…It exposes us to entirely new demands and can thrust us into new, often unforeseen realities. How will you and I … read more.