Topic: Beginnings


December starts a season of waiting. In nature, we wait for the solstice to come so the days will get longer once again; in the Christian tradition, it is the season of Advent, in preparation for the celebration of Christmas; and for our own Fellowship, … read more.

Flower Communion

Please join us for our annual Flower Communion service! We can’t all meet together in person to exchange flowers, so instead we will have a virtual exchange… but it will be in real time on Sunday. Before the service, please find some flowers you would … read more.

Tallying Up

No matter what the results of election day, our world will look different today than it did last week. We will gather together to be with one another, to reflect on where we are, and to plan for what is next.

The New Normal

September 20

Americans, and Unitarian Universalists, tend to love the idea of choice, and cherish the right to choose freely.  But most choices we make every day don’t involve much thoughtful decision-making.  Mostly, we do what we are used to doing…what is normal.  And when something … read more.


We may not be physically gathering together, but we are nevertheless starting a new season of the church year.  Through ritual, music, and words, we will mark the gathering of our spirits at the end of summer.


Janus was the Roman god associated with doorways, transitions, beginnings and endings… As Summit begins a time of planning and self-reflection in preparation for searching for a called minister, we’ll look at some of the ways we might prepare for transitions. …read more

A Mention of God

Some in our fellowship have asked Rev. Frank, “Why don’t we talk about God more here at Summit?” Come explore this question with us!