Social Justice in Action

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
“Service Is Our Prayer”: We work to create, coordinate, and implement social justice activities — both within the Summit community and the greater community at large.
Current Projects
What kinds of projects are we involved in? Here’s a rundown on some recent and ongoing Social Justice in Action activities:

- Dismantle White Supremacy Task Force: In June 2021, we adopted the 8th principle at Summit. In living into the 8th principle, we plan to host more opportunities for learning (see anti-racist resource guide), work with the board of directors and committee groups to create change at the congregational level, and get involved with organizations supporting BIPOC in our area. Dismantling White Supremacy.
- UU the Vote: Summit’s UU the Vote Task Force is a resource for Summit members and friends, and is also involved in Get Out the Vote efforts in the greater community.
- Crisis House: With collection drives throughout the year and an adopt-a-family program during the holiday season, Summit supports the mission of Crisis House to “connect families and individuals to crucial resources that empower them to renew their lives.”
- Justice for Indigenous Peoples: We oversee educational efforts for congregants and outreach to local indigenous tribes, including holiday gifts and cards. Summit also supports indigenous Africans through Compassion for African Villages.
- Women’s Justice: Working through our local women’s jail, Las Colinas Detention and Reentry Facility, Summit offers educational, moral and practical support (in coordination with North County Lifeline). This includes meditation classes, hygiene supplies, and clothing from the clothes closet at a local Methodist Church.
- Pride Parade – Summitarians, along with members of other San Diego UU congregations, participate each July in the Pride Parade to show our support to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
- Speak out for Justice – Summit members regularly attend events including the Women’s March, Transgender Rights Rally, Climate Action March, Black Lives Matter Protests, Immigrant Rights Rallies and March for the Homeless.
- Kiva – Summit supports Kiva, “a non profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.”
- Food Collection Basket: A basket in the hallway off the greeting room is available for canned and boxed food items. Why not pick up an extra item or two while grocery shopping?
- Santee Food Bank – What better way to be a good neighbor in Santee than to help feed those in need in our own backyard? In addition to our on-going collection of canned and dried food, Summit collects food for the Santee Food Bank. Six barrels of food in a single month is our current top record!

What can you do?
Look for the “Social Justice in Action Corner” in the newsletter and the weekly eNews for ways you can participate in upcoming social action activities. Or even better, come to a Social Justice in Action Committee Meeting! The Social Justice in Action Committee meets at noon in the Summit library on the second Sunday of each month. All members and friends interested in taking action on enhancing justice, freedom and the environment are invited to join us. If you would like to learn more, contact Everyone is welcome!
View our Social Justice in Action Committee mission statement and goals.