Water Communion

At Summit, our congregational year runs from July 1 through June 30, yet the first Sunday after Labor Day is when we mark the end of summer and the beginning of our return to regular events at the Fellowship.  Even in these unusual times we will mark this occasion with the traditional water communion, where people will have the opportunity to contribute small amounts of water to our communal bowl, water from a significant place in your life:  your home, a favorite park or stream, the ocean, a school drinking fountain, …

Feel free just to attend the service and do nothing else.  Yet if you would like to participate more fully, here are three opportunities:

1. Send me a photo of you and/or loved ones doing something involving water: swimming, soaking, fishing, spraying a hose, watering plants, drinking a tall cool glass in the summer… I will use these photos to make a slide show to play during the service, so don’t send anything you don’t want people to see.  Email your photos to me at rev.everett.howe@gmail.com on or before Friday September 10, and put the word WATER in the subject line.

2. During the service, have a pitcher of water and bowl to pour it in with you. There will be a moment in the service when we will all have a chance to pour our water into a symbolic communal bowl.

3. If you are able to do so, come to Summit after the service, between 11:30 and 12:30, with a small amount of water. We will have a “drive-through” opportunity to drop off your water into a literal communal bowl.

Virtual Water Communion including homily

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