The Joy Test

Together, we will think about building a more beautiful world by following joy in community. 

About our speaker:

Rev. KC Kvasnička-Slack (ka-vaz-NEECH-ka slak) is Summit’s Assistant Minister for Pastoral Care. Rev. KC grew up in small-town NorthEast Ohio, got their bachelor’s degree from Case Western Reserve University, and worked in abortion care in Cleveland, Ohio before leaving the state to attend seminary. They graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2016, and moved to Los Angeles for a year-long residency in hospital chaplaincy and pastoral care. After getting ordained in 2018, Rev. KC began serving as minister of the UU Church of the Verdugo Hills, just outside of Los Angeles. Currently, they juggle too many tasks and listen to music too loudly in North Hollywood, where they live with their wife, Caitlin, and three cats.

Service Associate: Joani Mountain

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