“Tuning Out to Tune In”
Guest Speaker, Rev. Kathleen Owens

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Date(s) - 07/28/2024
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Summit UU Fellowship


In this divisive, fearful and hurting world, how can we live a life of peace, hope and healing?

How can this faith tradition help us navigate ways to thrive as we pay attention to all that surrounds us?

This service offers some possibilities.

Rev. Kathleen Owens is a retired parish minister who served two congregations before serving First UU Church of San Diego for 14 years. She received her Masters of Divinity from Starr King School for the Ministry in 2004. She lives with her wife Jan in San Diego and enjoys writing, reading, traveling, gardening, and recently found out she loves to cook. She also volunteers with two nonprofits, one that serves refugees and one that works to combat Islamophobia.