Social Justice in Action Committee Meeting (SJIAC)

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Date(s) - 01/14/2024
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm


SJIAC is meeting this Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in the Summit library. This meeting will also be held remotely on Zoom. See Zoom link below.

We will be primarily discussing the Interfaith Shelter which we will host at Summit from March 9th-March 23rd. The February 4th SJIAC Sunday talk will also be discussed and planned during this Sunday’s meeting.

Unitarian Universalists say, “…service is our prayer.” Given this statement, assisting or volunteering for Summit’s Interfaith Shelter is a way to manifest “service.” We hope many can join us in volunteering and planning!

If you cannot attend, but want to participate, feel free to contact Erin at and Al Mork at for further information. Also, this year, Melody and Dan B. from Summit will be assisting Al with the Shelter coordination. We thank them for their help and generosity!

Got Ideas?: We appreciate any ideas on how to better recruit volunteers for: Set-up, clean-up, meals, site supervision, and possible coordination of rides. Most critical will be the need for overnight volunteer staff for the two-week period. Even if you can volunteer one night only, this will be greatly appreciated!

Please spread the word to outside groups or individuals that may want to assist Summit!

Thank you!

-Social Justice in Action Committee


SJIAC Meeting (in Library)

Sunday, January 14th, 12:30 p.m.- 1:30 p.m.