We Are Family

The definition of what constitutes family has changed significantly over the past decade or two. On Sunday the 19th we will hear from three Summitarians who have families that are a variation on the old theme of married couple, man and woman and their biological offspring. According to a 2015 study from the Pew Research Center, parents today are raising their children against a backdrop of increasingly diverse and, for many, constantly evolving family forms. By contrast, in 1960, the height of the post-World War II baby boom, there was one dominant family form. At that time 73% of all children were living in a family with two married parents in their first marriage. By 1980, 61% of children were living in this type of family, and today less than half (46%) are.

Summit members Jen Lindham, Lisa Breaky and Leslie Edmonds will give us a peek into the diversity of family structure.

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