Crisis House
The mission of Crisis House is “to serve the community by providing socio-economically disadvantaged and homeless families and individuals the guidance and resources necessary to achieve self-sufficiency success.”
Summit’s “Adopt-A-Family” Program

Every Holiday Season, Summit adopts one or two Crisis House families in need, providing family members with gifts, gift cards and grocery store gift cards. To bring joy and hope to a family during the holidays brings joy and hope to us all.
Other Donations for Crisis House
Through a yearly collection, Summit provides young families served by Crisis House with much needed baby goods such as diapers, formula, baby wipes, and food. A collection is also taken for the makings of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to supplement the Crisis House food bank. In the spring, Summitarians donate hygiene packs to help the homeless of East County with the help of Summit’s teens.